Warehouse, Transport & Logistics
Warehouse, Transport & Logistics jobs – Christchurch & NZ wide
One of our largest sectors and still our fastest growing sector with a diverse range of clients. Working with one-man-bands right through to the largest players in the Christchurch and New Zealand market. Additionally, with international freight forwarding and the import and export sectors as core sectors that we work in, we have an intrinsic knowledge of roles from product origin all the way to it’s final destination. Warehousing is bread and butter for us.
You name it we’ve probably got someone ready to start:
- General Manager
- Branch Manager
- Warehouse Managers
- Logistics Manager
- Team Leader
- Inventory Controller
- Dispatcher
- Reach Truck Operator
- Forklift Operator
- Pick Packers
- General Labourer
Contract or Temp | Christchurch
Part-time | Christchurch
Full Time | Christchurch
EMPLOYERSFind your next star!
Our robust recruitment processes and candidate sourcing ensure we deliver positive results for both employers and job seekers.
We can help you find your next superstar! Contact us today to find out more.
JOB SEEKERSDon't miss out!
Over 68% of our warehouse, transport & logistics roles are filled from our database. If you don’t see a job above that suits, your perfect role might be landing on our desk tomorrow!